Sunday, February 7, 2010

Superbowl Sunday

No, I don't really care who wins. 
Yes, I'm a Colts fan...
they won last year so where's the fun in that?!
However, I do wish they would make it Superbowl Saturday rather than Sunday so people
who have to get up extra early for work can enjoy the entire game and the after party.
I do not agree with a National Holiday... seriously??? Whats that all about!?

I wish my hubby was home here with me though!
I started to make Valentine's for my little loves so that I could get them in the mail tomorrow...
but the dough needs to be in the fridge for 12 hours or something like that.
So it is in the fridge.  I will finish them tomorrow and post some pics on my creative blog site.
And of course Roxy is covered in flour because she insist on being under my feet while I'm
in the kitchen cooking anything.

Tomorrow is back to work for me and the beginning of Alex's days off begin!
(gotta love that)
School starts back up on Tuesday! I'm actually looking forward to it...
Mostly because I'm just ready to be done!
My grades for last term was rather encouraging though, I was only expecting one "A" but ended up with four!
Sure can't beat that! Not to bad for being a
Newlywed Wife, Full-Time STNA & Full-Time Student!
I know other people have many more job duties and blah blah blah but I was proud of myself!

Anyways.... Life is good! Alex will be home in less than thirty minutes!!! YAY!!!

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