Monday, January 31, 2011

Days like today!

Yes, it was Monday I know but it was a great day just the same! I am currently watching My Girl with my love and just enjoying the evening.  It's nice to actually be able to relax and not be stressing about school for a moment.  It has been a great day for a couple reasons... spending time with my love is top on the list of course but knowing I only have four weeks of classes left is making my days a little brighter even if that means that the next four weeks will be stressful and busy.  It's also almost February, which is my absolute favorite month of the year! I love winter so the snow storms are nice and then there's Valentines Day, my birthday and my niece's birthday! It's a good month! So good-bye January, it just seemed to fly by, and hello February!!

Happy Monday Evening! Much Love!

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